Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What a screwing I got from Northern Leasing.  Finally ended a 4-year lease in February.  Called and confirmed the lease was closed and they'd received the equipment.  I was finally finished.  But no, they had to f*** me one more time.

Today I get an overdraft notice from my bank (I'm closing this account and only left enough in there to cover outstanding checks).  Seems my friends at Northern Leasing "accidentally" took another payment from my account.  Mr. Valerio tells me he's sorry.  They'll get me a check within 90 days.  Huh?  No supervisor to talk to - it's almost 4:00 on the east coast and she's gone home.  She'll call me tomorrow.  Yeah, right.  Seems they've got a negative fan club - please share with your friends so they don't get screwed like I did.