Saturday, April 7, 2012

I just read that Pinterest is now the third most popular Social Media site is the worls behind Facebook and Twitter. I've got a Pinterest account but have never used it. The top demographic is female hobbyists. I haven't caught any buzz about Pinterest being used for business. Are you a Pinterest user? If so, how do you use it? Just for fun, or for business, or both. Have you got any tips you'd like to share? Please post your thoughts.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reaching Out To Clients

What's your favorite way to publicize your events and keep your clients informed?  I'm using Constant Contact, Facebook Events and Google Calendar on my Web site.  That's a lot to manage every time I create a new event.  Entering things two or three times can get old after a while.  I'd love to hear your suggestions.